The Friends of the Taunton Pathways, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to aid the mission and goals of the Taunton Pathways Committee. We are working together to improve bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Taunton and surrounding communities in order to promote a healthier and safer community for residents and visitors of all ages and abilities.
Our Partners' Initiatives:
Taunton Tomorrow - Comprehensive Master Plan
Do you want to give input on how Taunton should look in 20 years and how it should get there? Click on the image above to comment on the draft of Taunton Tomorrow, the Comprehensive Master Plan being developed by Stantec in coordination with the City of Taunton.
Taunton Pathways Committee
In 2017, its first year in existence, the Taunton Pathways Committee accomplished a great deal:
- Established long-term partnerships with Mass in Motion and SRPEDD
- Created detailed maps of the Taunton River Trail route and potential phases
- Met with various elected officials and department heads to update them on their plans
- Conducted a walk-through of part of the route with Mayor Hoye and the City Engineer
- Applied for and received a $1500 grant from the Taunton River Stewardship Council
- Assisted Mass in Motion in creating a Walking Brochure for the City of Taunton
- Established a significant social media presence
- Tabled at events hosted by other organizations
- Hosted their own events
- Participated extensively in the Master Plan process
- Attended conferences
- Conducted a Community Bike and Pedestrian Survey
- Established the Friends of the Taunton Pathways, Inc.
Taunton Mass in Motion
The City of Taunton receives a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to fund the Taunton Mass in Motion program. Mass in Motion is increasing opportunities for active living and healthy eating - right here in Taunton.
In addition to running the Silver City Farmers' Market, Mass in Motion has also conducted walking audits to establish safe walking routes in Taunton, and it facilitates the Bristol Commons Community Garden. Mass in Motion Taunton is a proud sponsor of Taunton Pathways. If you would like to learn more about Mass in Motion, click on their logo, download their garden application form, or click on the image to see their garden location. ![]()